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Capture One Pro

Showing 1417 of 1869

Add ability to easily fine tune highlights recovery, for example, by selecting the highlight range.

What problem do you see this solving? Every image is different. Often when trying to fine tune highlights, Capture One does too much or too little. Example. When making art reproductions of paintings, the image can be perfectly exposed for the fla...
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 28 Awaiting review

Ability to increase font size of interface and make frame around chosen images more visible

What problem do you see this solving? After a certain age your vision slightly decreases and the ability to read small text diminishes. I would love to being able to increase the font size somewhat, and also make the borders around chosen images m...
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 2 Awaiting review

Please add Rename to Layer in main menu so that a shortcut can be assigned

What problem do you see this solving? To make renaming a number of Layers more practical and efficient. When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? Every image I edit has a number of layers
Boris Tomsic over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 2 Awaiting review

Expand Smart adjustments to include high dynamic range

Although smart adjustments fix white balance and exposure this can sometimes lead to a darker photo becoming over exposed. I think by implementing the high dynamic range tools into the stack along with white balance and exposure will help to get c...
Sydney Flowers 10 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

C1 sous OS et Win 11 sur le même ordinateur

Est-il possible de travailler avec une même licence, sur un même ordinateur fonctionnant sous Mas et Win 11 ? une licence, un poste, deus versions de C1. Merci
Rémi DERYCKE 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Not a feature request

contrasting colours for AI Masking

Love the new AI brush. But I'd like a way to create contrasting colours between the brush preview and the actual mask. The subtle shades of the same colours can get a bit confusing
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

Add option to view multiple aspect ratios as an overlay during cropping

Add an option that lets you see various cropping aspect ratios when using the crop tool. Eg. You could see 4x5, 2x3, and 5x7 crops when making an 8x10 crop to make sure those crops fit. This is important for volume photographers that sell prints i...
Jesse Starr 10 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

Searching text in folder names

I miss the feature of searching text in folder names. In the article "Searching by text" ( it is stated that you can search text in folder names - but actually you can...
Poul Bergstrøm Hansen 7 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

Allow decouple of second viewer window

2 parts - -allow the second viewer to be "pinned" to a specific image so I can do A-B comparison using 2 monitors (LR allows this)-allow 2nd viewer to show results of crop etc - example,currently when cropping, the cropping box is shown in both wi...
Paul OReggio 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 2 Already exists

Lock library tool

I would love to be able to lock the library tool from drag and drop folder changes and file moving, and prevent naming changes. Keep the right click menu to set capture / selects / output active.
FirstName LastName 7 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 2 Awaiting review