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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.


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Showing 1597 of 1597

Support the color profiles etc for All Panasonic Fullframe S1, S5, and m4/3's cameras

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William F Brock 3 months ago in Camera and lens requests / Cameras 0 Awaiting review

Star Rating Notations

I would love to be able to make a notation in the Star Rating tool for what each rating means. I don't use stars for order of preference, but for sorting and filtering different types of shots. Often I go back to a session and forget what 1, 2, or...
Jeffrey Totaro 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review

It is a pity that the layers with masks cannot be exported as PSD files. Especially now that AI masks in Capture ONE would be a great help to continue working with them in Photoshop. I think that many other photographers and image editors would like to use this function more often if it were possible.

It is a pity that the layers with masks cannot be exported as PSD files.Especially now that AI masks in Capture ONE would be a great help to continue working with them in Photoshop.I think that many other photographers and image editors would like...
A Strauss 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

I need layers on capture one mobile for simple removal tasks.

I have been using capture one pro fuji for about three years. I enjoy the work flow, I have lovely presets and the layers tab is fantastic. I recently downloaded the capture one mobile app for my Iapd Pro 12.9 inch m2, Icenjoy the layout and inter...
Guest 8 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 0 In the works

Import Recipes

Please give us the option to make import recipes simular to export recipes.There are a lot of things you can change before importing some pictures.It would be easy if you could save it and select it if needed.
Jonas Willebrords 3 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

Is it possible to add more color tag options

What problem do you see this solving? I like to organise my images with color tags, but often run out and find I have many images in the 'none' tag. It would be really useful if I could have more default options (say 10) or ideally be able to mana...
Guest 8 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 4 Awaiting review

AI Noise reduction (Lightroom)

What problem do you see this solving? The NR tool is just bad. Sorry, but the ai NR tool in LR is 400% better. Pls update this. When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? everyday
Guest 8 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 4 Awaiting review

Metadata tool customisation

I use a tiny subset of the options in the metadata "Tool" (in my case "title", "description", "dimentions", "lens" and a handful of others. currently I need to do a lot of scrolling to find what I need, and I know I will very rarely touch the othe...
JR Peterson 5 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 2 Awaiting review

"blur brush" or simply negative sharpening value needed

What problem do you see this solving? Coming from Lightroom, I often used to blur regions of a photo. • Mostly just on the vignette/peripheral zone to direct the viewer to the sharp center of the scene • sometimes I need to quickly "unsharpen" and...
Wolfgang Stoiber over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 9 Future consideration

Content Credentials

Hello everyone! Thank you for the privilege of your time. I, like many of you, have been a super-long time loyal user of Capture One Pro (C1PRO) going back to version 3.7.8 days circa 2008. I've since loyally upgraded since. I stopped upgrading af...
Guest 12 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 35 In the works