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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.


All ideas

Showing 1840 of 1840

Averaging option for white balance picker

It would be great to have the option to average the values of surrounding 3/5/11/31 pixels for more accurate white balancing and color selection. What problem do you see this solving? It is very difficult to click on the right pixel to have a good...
Guest about 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 16 Future consideration

Will we ever see a C1 Mobile Android release?

Which device are you using? Samsung Note 9 What problem do you see this solving? Every other Android user who also owns the Desktop C1 client probably wishes for C1 mobile as well.. When was the last time you were affected by this lack of function...
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 31 Unlikely to implement

Identify the point of focus for each image

What problem do you see this solving? My request is not to solve a problem, but rather to make a valuable enhancement to Capture One. I would like to have a tool that with a click of a button would show me the point where I focused when I took eac...
Guest over 1 year ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 6 Future consideration

iPad support for catalog or sessions

I use iPad for years now to create photographs. I used the Adobe mobile system because there was no C1 option available but their cloud enforcement is not working for me, I need a good Hard Disk environment and Adobe forces me to use a cloud. i ha...
Roeland van Basten Batenburg 9 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 3 Future consideration

Face Recognition / Ai?

Analyse facial features, create a database of individuals, assign a name and keyword, and allow to add/remove from found matches. I photograph a lot of dance schools, in individual sessions as well as group settings and stage performances. It is e...
Stephan Bollinger 11 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 5 Future consideration

Compare two or more images side-by-side

I am a portrait photographer. When I use the desktop version, it is always helpful to put multiple images side by side to help the client compare and pick the image they love to have retouched. Would love that on the iPad version.
Jeffrey Rosenberg 11 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Mobile 2 Future consideration

Add an option save embed metadata not only XMP sidecar

In Capture One, it’s possible to load metadata from a picture by using an embedded data or XMP sidecar file while metadata can only be written to XMP sidecar file. To address this issue, a toggle could be added to the Capture One preferences to en...
Jean-Marie Belloteau about 2 months ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

Bluetooth Keyboard Support for Live on IPad

Please allow for Bluetooth keyboard support for this app to be able to toggle and rate images with phisical keys. Live for iPad has answered the prayers of a lot of us in the field looking for additional display solutions on the job, and it’s stab...
John Paul Cunningham 3 months ago in Feature requests / Live for Studio 0 Awaiting review

Custom Preset Smart Folder

It would be nice if, inside the preferences dialog, there was a 'Smart Folders' section. Here you could add pre-defined smart folders (name + filters). Then on the main folder interface, when you click the + icon (for 'User Collections'), these pr...
Wayne Coles 9 days ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 1 Awaiting review

custom gradient shapes / 'windows'

The feather range is fairly limited. I am a huge fan of strong vignettes, but sometimes a elliptical shape. Some times I want a more square shape, or a more complex shape. This would be a page out of Davinci Resolve's playbook. you can use geometr...
FirstName LastName 9 days ago in Feature requests / Capture One Pro 0 Awaiting review