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Capture One Pro Ethernet Tethering with Canon BG-R20EP Battery Grip with Ethernet Port for the Canon R5 Mark II

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  • Silas King
    Nov 21, 2024

    I am curious if anyone has had success tethering over Ethernet with Canon BG-R20EP Battery Grip with the Canon R5 Mark II and Capture One Pro?

    I do not own the camera, but I work with it every month. After a little effort, I was able to successfully tether the camera via ethernet to the Canon EOS Utility app with the R5 II. It transfers RAW files seemingly quickly via Ethernet using Cat 6. I unfortunately could not get the camera to tether to Capture One directly. Is Ethernet tethering supported for the Canon r5 ii?

    Cat-6 Ethernet cables are Thick, cheap, are not limited in lenght, have a built in latch on both ends, etc. Lots of positives. I would love to get rid of my expensive Area 51, Tether Tools, Nine Volt USB-C Tether cables $$$. They are expensive and don't last long by design. I spend thousands per year on these 32' usb-c cables only to have them repeatedly fail. It would be great to have ethernet as another option.

    Any help is much appreciated. I am currently Using Capture One Pro as of 11/21/2024


Capture One Pro Ethernet Tethering with Canon BG-R20EP Battery Grip for the Canon R5 Mark II

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Silas King 4 months ago in Camera and lens requests / Cameras 0 Awaiting review