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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Enhancing the CaptureOne iOS App for a Better Editing Experience

Which device are you using?

11" iPad Pro

What problem do you see this solving?

I use my iPad for culling, reviewing, editing, and exporting my photos while on the road/traveling. The iPad is my preferred choice when I don't want to carry a laptop with me. I am a satisfied CaptureOne desktop user for my professional work, but the iOS app experience falls short of my expectations.

The mobile app's interface feels clunky to me, and the split-screen approach with controls on both sides isn't as intuitive as I would like it to be. It diverges from the simplicity of other mobile photo editing apps, like Lightroom Mobile, which employ single-slider controls. I suggest offering a "classic layout" option or customizable interface, similar to the desktop version.

However, my primary concern is the lack of essential features in the CaptureOne iOS app:

-Color Grading and Color Editing are very basic.

-Absence of Layer-Based Editing and masks.

-No brushes for local adjustments.

-Lack of levels and curves adjustments.

-Missing ICC Profiles and curves.

-No automatic perspective correction.

While I appreciate the tethering and upload features to CaptureOne via the cloud, it seems the app's main focus is tethering rather than robust editing. Unfortunately, the editing capabilities are too basic and frustrating for my needs. Compared to Lightroom and Darkroom on iOS, CaptureOne's current state doesn't justify the expense.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?


Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals?

I've resorted to using the desktop version of CaptureOne or Lightroom on my iPad to access the editing tools I require.

  • Farzaan Kassam
    May 13, 2024

    Agree with the original submitter. The wheels are counterintuitive and not really necessary. Everything in my life turns to the right to go higher, but in C1 mobile, turning something clockwise results in the exposure going down. I do like the implementation of the tool itself that you can click on it and move up to increase, but it’s awkward that it’s on the left side when most people are right handed.

    My suggestion would be to move the tools to the right side and add a vertical slider to each tool when it's selected or long-pressed. I'd suggest getting rid of the wheel or making it optional for people who want it. I prefer the interface on iOS more than the one on iPadOS, but I think a vertical approach would work better on iPadOS to maximize image previewing space.

    In addition, the tools themselves should take up less visual weight. Perhaps they can become more transparent when making adjustments so that we can see more of the impact on the image.

    3 replies
  • Tormod Malmgren
    Jan 2, 2024

    Yeah Matthew Wright we still waiting for the promised update but the delay se no end, and no information on the progress. Its sad they can not even give us the curves adjustment. They promised at the launch in June 2022 to very soon give us both curves and masks with brushes and so on. Its a shame we have to go to Lightroom or Photomator while we waiting. And no sync between the apps. It makes it useless for many of us. Hope we see some progress in 2024 or I will switch completly to another app that can give whats needed.

  • Guest
    Jan 2, 2024

    I'd like to add to this discussion and echo all that has already been said regarding the limitations of Capture One. The lack of Layers, brushes and other masks is a huge issue for me, as is the inability to send a raw image with adjustments to the cloud. The EIP option is too limiting, given it compresses the file and makes it then unusable with any other Raw editor. 

    These are huge omissions within the mobile app (I use iPad, not iPhone) and until they become a part of the applications, make Capture One Mobile useless for my needs, for anything other than initial image selection. That's just not good enough for an application that costs to subscribe to. Really poor value for money and no where near the competition. 

  • Evi Kefallinou
    Nov 22, 2023

    That was very useful, thank you 9839137415581! We will be improving our editing tools (e.g. adding Layers & masks) but it will take some months until they are available. As for syncing between devices, a better solution will be available much sooner, I hope it will be good enough for you (tagging 376674379118 just in case you want to chip in).

  • Tormod Malmgren
    Nov 21, 2023

    Yes Evi K here some notes :-)
    when I am not at home. I like to edit my photos on my iphone or ipad. Some photos I take with my iphone camera and some with my other mirrorless camera.
    I import the needed photo into my ipad. and then upload them into Capture one app. I can then rate and do very little basic processing with my photos. And the photos only stay in the device I uploaded to, either my iphone or my ipad. I also try to upload my photos to the cloud for so to continue on my desktop when home on my Capture one pro. But sadly very often the cloud transfer is very slow and I have to give up and use Lightroom instead

    In Lightroom I can do everything needed for edit even complex masking. The same go for Darkroom, Photomator, Polarr and other app who all have all the tool needed for complex editing. And also the syncking is so good in these mention apps. I can start edit in my phone continue in ipad and also contine when home at desktop. The ecosystem is so good.
    I really hope we could have the same in Capture one too. I am a long time Capture one pro user.

  • Evi Kefallinou
    Nov 21, 2023

    Hey 9839137415581, thanks for chipping in. Would you like to share a few words about your workflow and why editing on your phone and/or iPad is important for you?

  • Tormod Malmgren
    Nov 21, 2023

     I agree with Niels Franke the mobile app is way to limited for my use too. When the mobile app was launch you promised us to shortly gives us at least curves and also masking abilities. Instead its has been an app for those with tethering needs. The editing capabilities is very limited and so also are the cloud transfer. Its very sad because the rendering of the files are very good. Anyway with all the needed tools not awailable we are forced to use Lightroom, Darkroom, Photomator.Polarr just to mention a few. They all have the needed tools and also good masking.

  • Evi Kefallinou
    Oct 19, 2023

    Hello 377160144058, thanks for the feedback. I think it is very fair and spot on. Indeed, our app in its current form is designed to facilitate tethering more than editing. We have consciously made the decision not to add more or advanced editing tools at the moment but rather make tethering very reliable and easy to use. That doesn't mean that this won't change in the feature. We understand that providing a limiting editing experience on the go affects many of our users and we will try to improve this moving forward. however not in the next couple of months. Regarding your feedback on the tools layout, I can say that many share your views but there are also many other users that do enjoy the two hand way of working. We are always trying to improve the user interface and experience within the app, so if you have specific examples that slow you down or make your experience worse, please drop me a line in this chat or at: . Thanks a lot!

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