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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Eric Valk
Created on Mar 9, 2024

Enhance the Culling Algorithm to recognise Bursts and put them in one group.

I propose that the culling algorithm recognise a burst sequence by the criteria; same camera, same lens, sequential name, sequential time, time interval less than 1 second, and put these burst images in the same group. The user could then color tage the group and then select them all for import.

The time interval criteria should have user setting to enable a larger time interval to handle panoramas and focus stacking.

Burst mode is available on all modern digital cameras, but few photo tools handle them well or at all. Images obtained in burst sequence quite often need to be handled as a group, for example focus stacking, HDR processing, panorama processing, action sequence overlay.

There is a simple way to recognise a burst - a sequence of images, typically with an interval of less than 1 second, with the same camera and the same lens. Other factors such as the image background, the image center, the ISO, Aperture, shutter speed, white balance and focus distance may be different.

The hard way is to extract the burst status and sequence number from each image's exif info, this leads to higher initial and ongoing support and development costs.

To add even more user value you could assign a sequence ID and and sequence number for each image to engage the sorting and search feature of Capture One, but even without this there would be considerable value without a lot of development cost.

Current workaround

An Applescript Script