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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Future consideration
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Live
Created by ISA AYDIN
Created on Apr 11, 2024

Share Online Live - Notifications

The LIVE feature is fantastic and really beneficial, but the notification system is not effective. It sends alerts just 3 days before a link expires, but doesn't specify which link is expiring. As a commercial photographer who shoots every day, I have many active share links, all labeled "Capture." So, when I get an email that says "Your session 'Capture' will expire in 3 days," it's impossible to know which specific link they mean.

Additionally, I encounter the same issue with desktop notifications when someone comments on one of the live sessions. The notification indicates there are new comments or tags but fails to specify which session they are associated with.

  • Pasi Salminen
    Aug 19, 2024

    Highly agree! you should be able to name sessions or possibility to use examble session name on that. what ever to clarify what session is all about.

  • Evi Kefallinou (CO)
    Aug 9, 2024

    Hello @Guest , thanks for the feedback and apologies for the late response. We will review it with the team so that the email contains adequate infromation so that you can quickly understand what session this is about. I will keep you posted once we start working on it.