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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by FirstName LastName
Created on Apr 11, 2024

ICC Color Profile Support Within the Scope of a Single Session

In order to preserve full session data, for archival purposes or being able to pick up the WIP job on a different workstation, session specific color profiles should be able to be stored in (and used from) the session folder.

It is common to use color checker tools like Calibrite Passport Photo 2, in order to achieve accurate colors in the final images. The current process implies that the ICC profiles, generated by the ColorChecker Camera Calibration (or similar) tool, should be stored at the location, defined by the operation system or within the Capture One file hierarchy. For a Mac user, the location would look like /Users/<user-name>/Library/ColorSync/Profiles/.

Whilie it is workable, there is a couple of inconveniences:

  • in order to archive the session, one should store the ICC profiles separately and import them back if there a need to do additional work on the session but the ICC profiles were already cleaned from the system

  • in order to pick up work in progress on a different workstation, one would need to transfer the ICC profiles manually to that system.

It would be nice to have the 'official' Profiles folder within the CaptureOne session structure, where one could save the sessions specific ICC profiles.

CaptureOne, in turn, would respect the folder contents, and make them available in the Base Characteristics panel in the ICC Profile selector under the new Session group. In ideal world, the Session group would be also available when only the Recommended profiles are displayed.


Current workaround

Manually create a Profiles folder in the Session folder and store session specific profiles there. Manually copy the profiles over to the supported location and activate them when needed.