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Improve Capture One

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IPTC Metadata Editing

Editing IPTC metadata is particularly painful in Capture One. I would like to be able to select the IPTC fields I want to use (hiding the others), sort of like a personal tenmplate. Then I'd like to be able to re-order the fields as I see fit. For example I'd like to have Description as the first field, follwed by Person's Shown, then headline etc etc, having other fields hidden or moved below. It would also be nice to be able to fix the Description field to a size rather than have it dynamically increase depending on content. And also the option to change the size of the text.

Furthermore, it would be nice to have the ability to have one or two IPTC metadata fields avaibale as a floating window, maybe slightly opaic, so that it's visiable all the time and able to edit the field no matter what module I'm in.

Finally, please add IPTC Metadata to Capture One Mobile.

Current workaround

Currenly I'm writing and editing captions in a completely different app.

  • Jay Cohen
    May 23, 2024

    just another simple DAM requirement that C1 is a decade behind on, after buying and killing a proper DAM (Media Pro) and then killing it and not bringing the features to C1. embarassing.