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Status Unlikely to implement
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by FirstName LastName
Created on Jun 6, 2024

Allow (Fuji?) cameras to use their own autofocus when using Live View

Currently, when using Capture One's Live View feature during USB-tethered shooting, my camera's focus mode switches to manual, and focus can only be controlled by manually pressing the >, >>, and >>> buttons inside the Live View interface. The AF mode selection menu inside the Capture One interface is greyed-out, indicating that AF is not supported.

Having looked through the old forums and posts at, I am not sure if this an issue specifically for Fujifilm cameras, where AF during Live View is not supported, or if it is a missing feature more generally.

Please don't get me wrong, fully-manual focus control in Live View, using the focus boxes and the > buttons is certainly useful for product photography and relatively sedate kinds of portrait or glamour photography. But it makes the Live View feature much less useful for more dynamic portraiture, or shooting other kinds of moving subject in a studio, especially in situations where I want the camera to continuously autofocus on my subjects as they move.

If technically feasible, please make it possible for the camera to continue to use its own autofocus while Live View is enabled. Please note: it would not be necessary for Capture One to be able to control the autofocus, for example, by letting the user select a focus point inside the Live View interface. While this would certainly be nice, all I am hoping for is for is the option to have the camera continue to use its own onboard AF settings, while still displaying the Live View on my computer.

Capture One: build

Computer: M1 Macbook Air (2020), Sonoma 14.5

Camera: Fujifilm XT-4, lenses and camera firmwares fully updated

Current workaround

Even though live view tethered shooting was the feature that hooked me most on subscribing to Capture One's full suite of products, and I do find the manual focus control and focus assist boxes useful when I have my subjects sitting or standing in one place, when I am shooting tethered with a moving subject in my studio, I tend to simply take many shots inside the tethered shooting interface, and cull afterwards for the ones that end up in focus.

  • Andreas Drollinger
    Jul 16, 2024

    Hi Admin,

    so do I get you right, that it´s Fujis business to provide you with the ability to use Autofocus in Live View?

    1 reply
  • Admin
    Capture One Product Manager
    Jun 21, 2024


    Unfortunately that behavior is "by design", this is the way Fujifilm is allowing us to control the camera during Live View. At the moment, there is nothing we can do about this unfortunately.

    1 reply