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Improve Capture One

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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by FirstName LastName
Created on Aug 2, 2024

Warn user when creating more than one clone

I would love a warning if I am about to clone more than 1 image at a time - twice in 2 days I have gone back into a session that I had last done an export on, which meant that I had a lot of images selected, clicked on an image to view and did "Clone Variant", and well - you guessed it, everything got a clone. :(

It's more of a pain for yesterday's edits, because I thought I cloned 1 image, but I cloned over 100, and now I have to go in and remove the 5 stars from all the variants that I mistakenly created so I have a clean list to export again.

The warning should be able to be disabled for those that have this as a part of their workflow, of course.