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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by FirstName LastName
Created on Sep 9, 2024

Fix bug - folder synchronization error when renaming a folder

What needs to be done:1. Create a new catalog
2. Import the folder with images
3. Change the name of the folder with images using the operating system

In the "library" window, C1 will show that the folder is unavailable. It will display a triangle icon with an exclamation mark.

However. In the "browser" window (ctrl+b), all images are still available for editing, and the offline flag is not displayed.

If you synchronize metadata, an XMP file will be created next to the image. That is, C1 continues to have physical access to the location of the files, regardless of the change in the folder name.

Expected action:
In all places, both in the library window and in the browser window, the status of file availability should be the same. If C1 has tracked the renaming of the folder, then it is logical that this will be reflected in the library window and the icon of the folder unavailability will not be shown there.

Ver: OS: MS Windows.10 Pro 22H2