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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 22, 2023

Color code

Hello, I was thinking is there a possibility to code in Capture One ability to change particular color code when picked in Advanced Color Editor?

Example: I would like to pick orange color from image I captured and its lets say #FFA500 pure orange and it doesn't work for me and I would like to change it to Pastel Orange #FAC898 because it's more pleasing for me. So basically I would have opportunity to change RGB color codes to codes I prefer.

I guess you could do that manually with the sliders, but just curious if there is coding possibility for that.

Maybe even it makes no sense or there is manual way for that which I am not aware of, but I would like to hear your opinion on that. Thank you!

  • Kevin Robbins
    Dec 27, 2023

    For this, you might want to look at LUTs in a pixel editor and search the forums to support feature requests for adding LUTs. Hex codes would also be nice, though.