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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 15, 2023

Masking Brush on C1 Mac - Please give us feature parity with the Windows version of C1

What problem do you see this solving?

On C1 for PC I can adjust the size of the brush with the [ and ] keys while holding the mouse button and drawing with it, allowing me to taper the size up or down on the fly, this is updated in realtime and is visibly shown. On C1 Mac this doesn't work, I can't adjust the size without releasing the mouse button first and waiting for the brush size and mask to update, this means I cannot taper the size as I draw. Eg on a tree branch or someones arm or hands etc

Also, on a PC I can turn the mask indicator overlay (red colour) on and off while drawing with it, this doesn't work on mac, I have to release the mouse for it to turn on or off.

Further, when using the fill mask command the results seem to use a much lighter opacity mask than the masked outline making for an uneven mask with an outline, it would be much more useful in my experience if the mask was filled at the same opacity as the outline. eg If I brush a 100% opacity mask around an object I would like it to fill that mask with 100% opacity fill so it is even across the masked area.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

I use the masking brush on every photo. The first two are very useful masking features that I used all the time on C1 PC and it would be great to have them on the Mac version and the fill feature would make the fill mask tool much more useful :)

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

The masking brush on C1 Mac is not as flexible as it is on PC, it is slower and less precise to work with.

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