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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 3, 2023

AI sky selection => please add it !

Being able to select the sky with an AI tool, similar to what Lightroom does, would be really welcomed..

As an example, here are soem screenshots, you will see that the selections are not good at all. Of course, you may suggest to use other tools to adjust for this specific scenario but AI is supposed to be really simple and work.

The only solution, in my opinion, would be to add a specific tool for sky selection. I often have to select the sky with my pictures and this problem is really important for me.. I work with the trial version but I am not completely satisfied

  • Walter Rowe
    Dec 3, 2023

    I experienced this recently. My solution was to use magic brush after AI Mask in order to fill in the rest of the mask.

  • John Friend
    Dec 3, 2023

    Yeah, I've found that a sky/tree boundary just doesn't work well at all with the AI selection tool.  It just can't handle the edges of the tree and certainly can't handle the sky that is embedded within the tree branches at all.  Since I'm primarily a landscape photographer, this is a major bummer for me.  It does seem to handle sky/mountain boundaries OK, but not sky/tree boundaries.  Apparently the AI needs to be taught about trees.

    I suspect your screenshots are the selection preview, not the actual selection (you should include the actual selection after letting it make the mask), but even after letting it make the mask, it still doesn't work very well.  In fact, the magic brush works better than AI select for many sky/tree boundaries.

    For reference, I don't need a specific "sky" button like we have "subject" and "background".  I just want it to accurately select the sky when I click on the sky with the AI selection brush.