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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 8, 2023

Exporting automatically RAW files to Archive after workflow end

Hi, After I finish working with my RAW pictures and exported them into TIFF or JPEG files, etc. I would like to archive the RAW files without any change or with it's xmp, simultaneously. But in the export menu, I cannot do it now. I would appreciate if you could insert such a possibility as an export in the corresponding menu. Thanks to think about this opportunity.

  • Brian Jordan
    Nov 10, 2023



    This is a perfect use case for color tags.  I use Green (Selected), Yellow (In Process), Red (Done, don't touch this image again).  Green is easy enough to understand.  It's a pick and ready to be edited.  Yellow is the 'working on it' stage.  I never make a final decision on an edit in the moment.  So Yellow is some work, maybe done, maybe not.  Red is done.  Flipping through my catalog a Red tag means that I've gotten to a point where I'm happy with an image.  If Capture One offered a LOCK function, these images would get locked.  But it doesn't so a Red tag serves the purpose.  Any image tagged red is done.  If I think I might want to work on red tagged images in the future, I work on clones.  Filters move things through the process.

  • Guest
    Nov 10, 2023

    Well, thank you.

    But it's not exactly what I meant. I don't want to wait until I finished working with my session or on the catalog. I'd like to archive pictures or groups as far as I finish with each picture or group of them.

    Let me give you an example: 

    I have a lot of pictures I have to work on after a shooting. As I do not have time to work on them immediately, I select the best and put them apart with the select option. Then, may be some day after, I only have time to treat some picture, so I go one after the other. When I finish the first, I export it (lets say in TIFF). Then I went to the next and so on. But If I cannot finish the work, I'll have to remember which was the last I worked on, to continue may be some days later. I, then should make notices about what I did and what remains. Following your way, I could archive them only when I'm totally finished with it. What I wish is an ability to do the archiving at the same time I'm exporting my pictures (or a group of pictures). Using the export menu would be easy, just point the archiving directory and that's it.  So I don't have to write down which pictures are already finished and which not. And this, I mean, should be possible by just adding this function in the export menu.

    Any way, thanks for your help. Have a nice weekend.


  • Walter Rowe
    Nov 9, 2023

    Are you using catalogs or sessions? You can copy the session to an archive disk. You can export raw files using Export > Original and include adjustments. It will create a folder in the export directory called CaptureOne that will contain all the adjustments, metadata, labels, ratings, keywords, etc. You can later import that raw file from that folder and "Include Adjustments" to have a catalog or session import the saved info.