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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 26, 2023

Choice to Opening/Expand Keywords or not and Highlighting Keywords

What problem do you see this solving? Opening/Expanding and Highlighting Keywords in both Keyword Library and especially Filters

Would it be possible to have the option of a - Not have any keywords expanded – only the main parent / grandparent shown as a new keyword structure i.e., Holidays, For Future Use,

b - All Parent Keywords / Grandparents expanded. i.e., Holiday > USA, For Future Use > Trees, Building, Water etc

c - All keywords expanded.

d - Enable parent / grandparent Keywords to be shown in a different colour.

It would be useful if more than one colour could be chosen – One could be allocated to all Parent Keyword and another to Child Keywords which are or become parents.

For example, I have a Parent named “For Future Use” within that I have a 17 child categories Wildlife – Architecture – Fauna and Flora – Landscape etc. all with their own subcategories/children (some of which have their own child keywords)

If I want to seek out what trees I have as stock for future use I have to navigate to “For Future Use” scrolling past all listed keywords from A-E and their children. Then scroll through all the children keyword within the Future Use Parent category until I get to Trees, then on to the category of tree I am after.

If I was able to select only show Parents / Grandparent, the list would be at least a third shorter and I could open up the right Parent and quickly Navigate to the images I wanted.

Colouring the Parents / Grandparents would then give me a link back to where I was in my library if I spent a long time or called away to and wanted to check from where I was accessing the images.

In addition, I often attribute and image with the same keyword but from distinct categories within my Holidays > Wiltshire > New Forrest > Trees, and also in - For Future Use > Trees. If I want to move/delete one of them having its parents highlighted would give confidence that I am moving/deleting the keyword within the right folder. On more than one occasion I was convinced I had chosen the right folder but Capture pro knew differently. It is then a pain to rectify the situation.

Using the search facility within filters is not always productive, does not always identify the right image or does not show anything, and can be time consuming if dealing with lots of images within the same section but at various times within the workflow.

Looking for the key word within the actual selected image keyword section is fraught with problems especially if a large number of keywords are attributed to the image.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? 5 /6 days a week I go to my Library to find an image that I want to check – copy – export. Occasionally I do alter / edit an image if I want to modify change something I did in Session.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

On opening my library I spend time closing each keyword so that only the main Parent / Grandparent are showing and and if opened only child keyword that are not parents or just the parent keyword is shown. And I repeat this every time it opens up due to going into another section/filter.