Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.
What problem do you see this solving?
Time savings...! Exporting images with different aspect ratios, to all end up with a reasonably similar file size without individually picking a % on each image. Example would be to batch a large number of images that are edited for export but are all completely different in crop to all end up at approximately a 4MB size or what ever size is needed. Exported they are all within a close proximity of that size. Exactly as in lightroom where you pick the quality and file size in kb or mb to batch export and they all come out reasonably close. Love C1 and have been using it exclusively for years but really miss that one feature. So time consuming to have to individually size each image with % but instead pick end size in KB or MB's and batch. Using percentage with multiple crops and hundreds of images is extremely time consuming as it has to be done individually for accuracy.
The amount of time savings for everyone would be phenomenal.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
This is almost a dailyoccurrence, I shoot professionally between 3 and 7 days a week depending on the week. Need to export pretty much close file sizes.
Current workaround
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One? No, just spend an inordinate amount of time setting percentage of individual images to keep within parameters for clients. |
Fully support this request Rob. I have exactly your issue. Photo Mechanic is my option to achieve correct client parameters. It used to be pricey, but is now less than half the price of C1 perpetual and PM is a one-off purchase and has *excellent* customer support. PM also allows adding and editing GPS data which is another area that my clients need and which cannot be sorted in C1. My (still working) copy of LR 4 from 2012 can do both of these functions, so it's not advanced hi-tec rocket science.
JPEGmini is the cat’s meow.
The challenge is that though you can tick both the quality and file size in bytes boxes in Lr, in reality it’s often quality OR file size. If you’ve got a file at 80% quality that exceeds the size threshold, the only way to reduce the size is to start increasing compression, in other words tossing data (reducing quality). It may not always matter as much depending on the image, but if C1 were to implement such a tick box, I’d want people to get a warning notice that says something along those lines.
There exist proprietary compression algorithms (e.g. JPEGMini’s) that reduce size while doing better on quality and that work as plugins in C1 but even they (JPEG mini at any rate) don’t really give you a file size option. Pixels yes, bytes no.