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Mass Naming of Files from an Excel Document

What problem do you see this solving?

I have to specifically name a huge number of files as I photograph them - in my case it's hundreds of portraits that need to be named using the people's name as I capture them so I can export them with the subjects name. Currently we enter the subject's name in the description field and then export using that field for the filename. I receive the subject's names in advance of the shoot and I would love to import them as text from text edit or similar software prior to the shoot so the digi tech never needs to write the full name in and the description auto populates as they type.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Three or four times a year depending on the client's hiring status, and I do know other photographers in similar situations.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

Currently I copy and paste each unique name into the description field the night before the shoot - takes a couple of hours for a few hundred names.

  • Guest
    Jul 5, 2023

    Unfortunately the whole purpose of this process is to produce a file that has the persons name as the filename on output - if you imagine a contact large corporation receiving hundreds of portraits for employees they have never met, they need the filenames to be correct on every file and on every crop that's exported. So I think keyword is a non starter at the present moment. Next large shoot for them is in September, so now is a good time to check in on the enterprise options...or simply use Capture One on a PC where it appears that you might be able to actually copy and past names in the auto complete field for metadata "description".

  • Grant Perkins
    Jun 29, 2023

    I just ran a quick Bing question and confirmed that one can create both barcodes and QR codes using Excel data cells. You may need to.

    I would suggest Keywords mainly because a hierarchical library could be created in advance  - but yes, if you need the name as the file name that would not be ideal. 

    For batch output one would either need to name manually in one of the free-format output naming fields available or develop a fast way to select by keyword and then output name on the batch using an alternative field from the metadata. 

    If you tether to a Mac you would have the possibility to use an Applescript script to try to automate a chosen EXIF field based on some criteria from the Keyword(s) available. 

    But realistically I suspect that the Enterprise existing feature may be your best option rather than trying to re-invent it. That is, of course, if it looks like it might fit your needs once you know the details.

  • Guest
    Jun 29, 2023

    I haven't found a way to use Keywords as a filename at export, but it would be awesome if I could. I need to preload 500+ names in to the metadata and then assign the persons name as their filename on export and be able to add names on the fly as we are capturing the images. Right now I spend the night before the shoot copying and pasting each person's name from an excel file in to the description line, so it will auto populate as we start to type their name in on set, and use the description as the filename on export. If we don't enter the person's name at capture then the HR department won't know who they are when sending the photos out for use in the email signature and client presentations... I just want to find a way to copy and paste that data in once rather than each name one at a time.

  • Grant Perkins
    Jun 29, 2023


    I think you probably could do something using Keywords. Especially hierarchical keywords, if you have a suitable amount of accurate information available long enough before the shoot starts to be able to create it.

    Even different levels of EXIF data could be viably added during a tethered shoot using pre-prepared pre-sets as the shoot progresses. However, making sure all of the pre-created values are applied at the right time in a rapid and busy shooting environment would obviously be a challenge. Whether more or less of a challenge than now only you could judge! 

    From what I have read about it the "barcode" feature is pretty much designed to address your sort of needs, albeit with products and fashion, perhaps, rather than people. People seem to be happier with QR codes, though I rather dislike both where they are used with humans communicating with other humans.

    Younger people may not care so much.

  • Guest
    Jun 29, 2023

    That's an interesting feature - we could convert peoples names to barcodes somehow. I just think it's crazy that we can't create auto complete metadata from scratch except by typing each line in one at a time. Especially when it looks like you can on Windows. Oh well.

  • Grant Perkins
    Jun 29, 2023

    Sounds like you could use something like the Barcode functionality in the Enterprise version.


    Photography solutions for business I Capture One Enterprise



  • Guest
    Jun 29, 2023

    Thanks Martin - we have to shoot tethered and we have to enter the subjects name as we shoot - the subject reviews the photos to confirm their selection before they leave the set. I'm trying to pre-load the names into Capture One as auto fill options prior to the shoot. I'll take a look at Photo Mechanic and see if I can use it for tether.

  • Martin Tolley
    Jun 29, 2023


    I don't shoot tethered. With sessions I use PM to injest files to my hard drive from memory cards (it can cope with multiple sources at the same time) and to rename files, enter a range of IPTC data, titles, captions, general keywords, and send a copy to a backup location. I also use it to edit/add GPS data which C1 doesn't think is important(!) I only use C1 to develop the raw files injested and to send them to an output location and then use PM again to finish the process, finalise captioning, specific keywording, convert (usually jpgs) to appropriate sizes and distribute them to various destinations, upload to websites, collections etc. I usually do captioning of individual files after developing. PM's "code replacements" allow unique captions from data on a spreadsheet. It's a bit of a learning curve, but it works well. Camerabits have a range of help available, and I've found them very helpful and quick via email when I got stuck. Code replacements help is at  They also have a few YT videos around as well.

  • Guest
    Jun 29, 2023

    Thanks Martin - are you tethering to PhotoMechanic and using it for the image capture and then using Capture One? I'd love more info on how your workflow flows so I might try it out.

  • Martin Tolley
    Jun 21, 2023

    Photomechanic can do this, and a lot more besides. 

  • Guest
    Jun 20, 2023

    This would also be true of product shoots using specific SKU's. Any shoot with a large number of subjects that need to be specifically named upon export AND the client can provide those names before the shoot starts.