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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 9, 2023

Masking within the cloning tool

What problem do you see this solving?

More accurate and relevant cloning. Rather than copying all of the pixels of the brush (selected area), if there was also an option to (right click eg.) refine/feather that cloned area like you could do with a normal mask (grey scale, refine, feather, luma, tolerance ect..) within the clone tool itself, it would make cloning a much faster and more accurate task.

The clone tool would essentially have a magic mask function within the tool itself, that could be refined to basically create a subject selection mask that could be refined to blend more accurately into the environment.

An example of when this would be useful is in the latest Capture One live stream with David Capture One Livestream | Editing extravaganza - YouTube when @50:25 he is asked to move the man in the picture. When he paints around the man and his dog the clone tool selects the cobblestones around him and they don't match up with where he wants to place him. David says that he could do a better job but he would have to use luminosity masks etc. Adding an extra layer of workflow.

If the cloned selection could be refined within the tool itself, an accurate selection of the subject could be made, and with a slight amount of feathering/tolerance etc a much better and easier clone could be made without the need for additional tools and layers/masks.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

I have given up on cloning as it has become to laborious to get an accurate clone, rather than a general clone.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

The work arounds that I have tried in the past involves the use of several different luminosity, magic masks and playing around with opacities. The use of multiple layers and tools gets quite laborious and off putting.

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