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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Ian Wilson
Created on May 31, 2023

Improve searching for keywords (specify whole word only, and/or match case, or ignore case)

What problem do you see this solving?

In find it easy to add keywords to images, but difficult to locate the images later. The Search function need improvement to be useful.

For example,

  • If I search for images with the keyword tree, I also get images with the keyword street or Street because they contain the letters tree.
  • A search for cat also produces images with the keywords cathedral or caterpillar.
  • A search for key produces 561 hits, because they include images with the keywords monkey, donkey, Keyhaven and Keynsham, although I only actually have 6 images with the keyword key.

  • hen includes Stephen, Chennai, lichen, Stonehenge, kitchen, Carmarthenshire, Henry Moore, Hengrove Park, and Henshaw, which makes this one a particular challenge!
  • I could go on, iron incudes environment, crowincludes scarecrowand East African crowned crane, and so on.

This makes it almost impossible to find some images. I can find images labelled Stonehenge well enough, but I don't want to see them when I search for images of a hen.

I take the trouble to add keywords to images in the hope of finding them again later (perhaps years later) but for some keywords, the ones I want are swamped by the ones I don't want.


It would make matters much simpler if the search function included the kinds of options you see when searching in other apps (for instance Microsoft Word) where you can specify whole word only, and/or match case, or ignore case.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Often affected when I want to find a photo I know I have and hope to use keywords to locate.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

I sometimes scroll down the keywords in the Filters tool in the hope of spotting the one I want, rather than using the Search tool. But this is harder than it needs to be because keywords in the Filter tool are not listed in the same way as keywords in the Keyword tool. In the Keyword tool, they are organised in keyword libraries (so for instance one for people, one for living things, one for places, etc. But in the Filters tool, that isn't the case, so James and jam are likely to be listed next to each other.

Or I try to remember when and where I took the photo I am looking for to narrow down the search to the month, or theplace, if I can remember them.

  • Guest
    Jul 22, 2023

    When I add keywords, I get a drop-down as I type that shows similar keywords, and that encourages me to include consistent keywords by picking one that's already been used. But when I try to use keywords in Smart Albums this doesn't happen. Replicating the Add Keyword behaviour would certainly make it easier to find images, and might help with Ian's problems.

    I put this issue as one of the two that mean I am less likely to recommend C1Pro to friends or colleagues.

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