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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Brian Jordan
Created on May 18, 2023

Add section in export module to add exported files to a catalog and collection

I use a workflow where I copy files into a folder then add those files to the Capture One catalog. The folder exists outside the .catalog package.

Typically, I use a structure like EXTERNAL DRIVE/Photos/Year/Project/. Below that I have folders for Images and Exports. I use Collections and Keywords to organize files and easily find them should the need arise later.

Unless I'm missing something (please do tell me if I am), there is no way to automatically add exported images back to a catalog. At some point following export, I have to remember to Synchronize the folder so Capture One becomes aware of the new files. A checkbox for Add to Catalog with an additional option to add to a collection would be awesome!

Bonus: The ability to add a Color Tag (all my exported images get a purple color tag, for instance), additional Keyword(s) (I add the keyword "exported"), and choose whether the exported files should inherit existing Keywords would be HUGE timesavers as I have to add all these things manually now. Worse, I have to **remember** to add them. And worst of all, those keywords have already been added to the source image!!! That's insult to injury.

What problem do you see this solving?

Exporting images leaves those files completely disassociated from Capture One. Strange as the exported file is the end goal of Capture One. Managing exported files not associated with the catalog makes keeping them organized and findable more difficult than it need be. Users have to **remember to** Synchronize the folder structure to make Capture One aware of the new files even though they were just exported from Capture One. Even then, they inherit no Keywords or Collections.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Every time I export files from Capture One.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

I currently manually Synchronize folders either immediately following the export or somewhere down the line. Further, I have to manually add keywords that already existed on the image being exported. Huge efficiency problem.

  • Guest
    Aug 3, 2023

    I agree with this request.  I would like to add the option to add exported files straight into the Capture One catalog without having to go and add them later, that would be a huge time saver.  I have tried to 'open exported files with Capture One' which will open the import window, however it then opens the import window over and over again for every single file exported!

  • Brian Jordan
    May 19, 2023


    Then I guess it's a support call for me.  I see that info in the EXIF data but it doesn't populate the fields in Capture One.  No color tag, no keywords, etc.

    Thanks for the heads up, though!  I'll make that call today.

  • BeO O
    May 19, 2023

    choose whether the exported files should inherit existing Keywords would be HUGE timesaver

    Here you go:


  • +3