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Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on May 15, 2023

Make temporary groups created by similarity in Culling "permanent" i.e. by implementing a "Stacking" feature or allowing to add Keywords while Culling is active

What problem do you see this solving?

The new Culling feature is great during import and also when rating pictures already imported. But is it "crippled" or at least not thought through to the end. While it is great to have groups of similar pictures identified once, it is currently not possible to make this grouping permanent. I could achieve this manually as a workaround by adding some custom keywords like group1, group2, ..., group-n which is not very elegant and since we have the groups identified by the software already, could be automated. I would be semi-happy if you could at least allow to add keywords during culling. I cannot understand why star rating 1..5 and color rating *is* possible and keywords *is not*. C1 just bleeps... This is maybe because software developers are not active photographers and do not understand workflow... it cannot be a technical limitation.

Ideally it would be possible to "Stack" the images based on the Culling results. Stacking, like possible in other software, does not seem to exist in C1, any search returns "Focus Stacking" which is not what is meant here. Here we mean "a pile of similar pictures". I have checked in both Session Workflow and Catalog Workflow and watched Davids Grovers Video on culling (Capture One Livestream) and simply cannot find it.

Also, by making the initial culling groups "permanent", you can work around the fact that culling currently works only with the preview pictures and not the _processed_ images! For performance reasons, that is acceptable! Processing the images will not dramatically impact "similarity" if we talk about "series shots" at least.

Having the above feature(s) - making the Culling results usable as part the workflow by automatically stacking similar pictures - would improve and significantly speedup my workflow, as manual selection of groups of similar pictures are eliminated and the similarity grouping is carried over to the later processing stages of the workflow. Often I will make my final rating and pick my "selects" *after* I have optimized the pictures as much as I could. And having the similarity groups preserved would make it much easier to copy across the Adjustments to the whole group.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

I was really thrilled by this new feature Culling until I discovered that I could not "carry over" the results to the following stages of the workflow, either manually by keywords or automatically by Stacking groups of similar pictures. This is when enthusiasm turned into disappointment, as it does happen sometimes with C1. It truly is a love-hate affair, with deep sympathy being the "average feeling" and not paying Adobe-Tax for features I do not need, giving great satisfaction.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

Well, yes. I have to manually pick groups of similar pictures by "eyeballing" in the Library. This is stone-age tech in light of the AI/ML features that exist and that you seem to deploy successfully in Culling. Just add some "flags" in the background, sparing me to do this error-prone process in the User Interface...

  • Guest
    Jun 24, 2023

    I agree.

    Please, make the stacking based on the similarity available at later stages of the workflow - after the import process, not at the import stage. 

  • Guest
    May 26, 2023

    I agree with the sentiment of this idea.  I would like to give a colour flag to each separate group as an initial grouping method but found that I can only label one image at a time with a flag which defeats the whole purpose of the feature. You can select and label multiple images in the normal catalog window but not in culling, makes no sense, hope I'm just missing something.

    I guess the name gives it away, this is designed for 'culling' not grouping. Need the feature to be extended to useful grouping!

  • Guest
    May 16, 2023

    The "culling" feature on Capture One also brought me some disappointment.

    While I was thinking it would be faster to classify several pictures in "groups", I got disappointed when I realized I could only rate by "Stars" and "Flags"... no "Keywords"

    And at the end, the Keyword assignment is the most demanding task while classifying the pictures, either on importing new images or over existing ones.

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