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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Mike Escoffery
Created on Apr 26, 2023

Adding Multiple stacked watermarks to an image

What problem do you see this solving?

I am trying to add watermarks to my images with a variety of different details present. The current tool onlyallows a single watermark, for which formatting is highly limited. For example, I'd like the following watermarks: Image based Signature or Logo; Text Based Title and Caption; Text based Location details such as Place, City,Province, Country; Text Based Photos Details such as Aperture, Shutter, Lens, and ISO.

With the text based tool, I can only add the text details in asingle line, all with the same font and font size, which creates a highly undesirable appearance. Since I can't add linebreaks or multiple fonts or font sizes within the token editor, I can't achieve adesirable format for these details. Seems to me like it would be easier to allow us to stack multiplewatermarks, each with different settings. This way you could have an imagewatermark of a logo in the top left. Larger Photo Title and Description in lower left with smaller Location Details in the lower left on a line below the title. In bottom right, the photo details could be shown.

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?


Though this happensevery time I needto print or upload photos with the details printed on them. Currently I have to add all these details manually in photoshop, which is annoying since Photoshop can't dynamically read the metadata when adding a type layer.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

Currently nothing in Capture One works for my needs. It becomes a round trip to Photoshop for every single photo.

The only workaroundI can think of is to use capture one to only add the metadata details, and add the rest in photoshop. But this doesn't really speed much up since I still have to usephotoshop. It is also limited, because I need various details to appear in different places (ie. location bottom left, photo details bottom right). So I can really only use this approach for 1 set of details.

  • Eric Savalli
    Jun 9, 2024

    Definitly needed! I hae to use another tool after my export to add another watermark.
    My need: Have a fixed logo (PNG image) PLUS a text filed (e.g. the description field and the copyright one).
    for the time beeing, it the the text XOR the image. :( so saddly.

  • +1