In the 'righ-click-list' on a layer. In the same list like -Clear mask, -invert mask, -fill mask, etc... An Option, generate AI mask > Subject, background, har, eyes, etc..
When I have imported images, I go through. tem giving a 1 star rating, then go thruogh the 1 stars to give 2 and so on until I have a set to use. I'd like to be able to give some images a 'x' rating, so that I can quickly collect togather delete n...
I produce headshots, get my client to choose best image from selection with 5 stars when I upload images on card to computer the selection image number doesn’t match the in camera therefore, I have to upload to the internet which keeps the selecti...
Would it possible to add an image (from capture collection) to a layer so you brush it back through and reveal on a mask. Over the years I have found myself becoming less reliant on external software such as photoshop to help with image processing...
I would love to be able to make a notation in the Star Rating tool for what each rating means. I don't use stars for order of preference, but for sorting and filtering different types of shots. Often I go back to a session and forget what 1, 2, or...
Sort, find, remove: offline, duplicates, question marks
It would be helpful to find/merge duplicates inside a session, or to sort by image status (online/offliine). Allowing users to select and delete duplicates or to remove thumbs incorrectly marked as "missing." Occasionally capture folders or files ...
I'd love to set a hotkey that applies a specific searh fiter to my images. For instance, I have a custom filter for 5* + Red Tag. I'd love a hotkey that applies that search filter. Simularly, it could be a hotkey that sorts for 5* images.
Currently at the moment I’m unable to use styles I’ve created on desktop utilizing Smart Adjustments. I’ve imported them but am unable to select and use. Even if the functionality could be there in the background and not in the menu system (requir...
Apply linear and radial gradient masks on the layer we choose
This would allow us to use a gradient only on the background, the subject or any other mask we choose. Similar to how Lightroom does. It can allow for manipulating one mask without affecting the others.