Set default value applied to subject / background ai mask for Refine Mask
What problem do you see this solving? EVERY time I create a subject or bg mask, I have to choose to refine the mask and choose a value. It would be great to either set a default amount of refine mask applied when creating AI Subject/Background mas...
What problem do you see this solving? I use various technical camera lenses that are not included in the C1 lens profile list. Specifically I use a Rodenstock Apo-Sironar digital HR 28mm lens that is not supported, however C1 supports many older a...
What problem do you see this solving? A recent issue of concern and rising concern and visibility has been the use of images for training AI engines without permission or or consultation with the creator or copyright owner. By adding the IPTC fiel...
It would be nice if you add color density sliders. Example would be dctls for resolve: I know I can do something similar in color editor with brightness and saturation for specific color but works completely...
What problem do you see this solving? Not so much of a problem as it is another convenient way to navigate the tool tabs. I would like to be able to navigate the tool tab panel much like you would with a web browser: Select the next tool tab with ...
I've found the contrast between the interface and the stars for rating on Capture One to be lacking. The monochrome interface is nice for some things but in this area it needs a little pop. Especially if for portrait pictures, on the thumbnails I'...
What problem do you see this solving? I think this would be a cool feature to have for sharing specific images with clients. For example, Shooting employee headshots for a company. I would be able to setup smart albums that automatically select im...