In the 'righ-click-list' on a layer. In the same list like -Clear mask, -invert mask, -fill mask, etc... An Option, generate AI mask > Subject, background, har, eyes, etc..
I would love to be able to make a notation in the Star Rating tool for what each rating means. I don't use stars for order of preference, but for sorting and filtering different types of shots. Often I go back to a session and forget what 1, 2, or...
Hi Capture One Live Team, While using Live, my client just pointed out to me that while they are reviewing an images, when they zoom the image, either by double-clicking on the image or scrolling their cursor, the image appears soft and fuzzy. I c...
Would it possible to add an image (from capture collection) to a layer so you brush it back through and reveal on a mask. Over the years I have found myself becoming less reliant on external software such as photoshop to help with image processing...
Customizing Kelvin Temperature Adjustment Increments with Keyboard Shortcuts
I am currently using keyboard shortcuts to adjust the Kelvin temperature in Capture One and was wondering if there is a way to customize the increment value associated with these adjustments. Specifically, I would like to know if it is possible to...
Sort, find, remove: offline, duplicates, question marks
It would be helpful to find/merge duplicates inside a session, or to sort by image status (online/offliine). Allowing users to select and delete duplicates or to remove thumbs incorrectly marked as "missing." Occasionally capture folders or files ...
Ability to download low res from browser in Capture One Live
Many of my leading agency clients have shifted to using Capture One Live over Picdrop, finding it to be more aligned with their workflow. However, they're encountering an issue with downloading their selections (such as green-tagged images) in low...
So currently the way images get saved on the iPad are with the "Camera name 0001". I have a canon camera and the default is "Canon 0001". If I need to change per album I have to select rename next capture every single album as I want "Business nam...