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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Cameras
Created by vincent wong
Created on May 17, 2024

Support for Hasselblad x1d, x2d and 907x

No description provided
  • Admin
    Support feedback
    Aug 6, 2024


    Here’s the latest statement from Rafael Orta, CEO of Capture One:

    We have noticed the requests for supporting Hasselblad cameras from our community, and we have responded to them. Unfortunately it’s not the answer y’all likely want to hear.

    Providing support for a camera, especially a high-end Hasselblad, is not simple.

    Ideally we’re able to work very closely with manufacturers to carefully calibrate colors and lenses, to make sure their files consistently and predictably look beautiful in Capture One, across many different lighting conditions and photography scenarios.

    It’s a matter of public record that the relationship between Phase One and Hasselblad became antagonistic over time, and as I’m sure y’all know from life experience, it takes a second to blow up a bridge and a very long time to rebuild it.

    So, I’m not going to say never, but I can’t commit to a timeline either. In the interest of openness and transparency, we’ve taken the public stance of saying that it’s “Not currently planned”, and we will of course update that information if and when circumstances allow.

    We appreciate the engagement and ideas from our community and we remain committed to offering you innovative and powerful photography software at a time of intense change in the industry.

  • Franco Giomi
    Jul 23, 2024


    I just paid my license and I can't work

  • Nick Huggins
    Jul 17, 2024

    Please please, please add support for Hasselblad X1DII ASAP! Come on, it's way overdue and it's really needed to retain current users and obtain new ones too.

  • Nathan Danskey
    Jul 1, 2024

    When I opened up C1 today I saw the note about paying to upgrade so I looked at the camera lists to see if Hasselblad would be supported as I am starting to work with those cameras. I was disappointed that there is no upcoming support and plan on owning only one platform for all of my cameras - I wish that platform were C1.