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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Cameras
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 15, 2023

Tethering support for Nikon Zf

No description provided
  • Feroz Khan
    Jul 4, 2024
    Why exactly has the Zf been singled out by C1 for lack of tethering support when it's got more pro features than the Z6ii and z7ii? it should be quite capable of being supported for wireless tethering on the iPad too. Could someone at C1 explain this
  • Guest
    Jan 19, 2024

    I have written an AppleScript to handle wireless tethering with the Nikon Zf (or other non supported cameras).

    This uses the Nikon NX Tether app to communicate with the camera and place the images in my "Pictures/NX Tether Images" folder. 

    Next I setup a Folder Action for that folder that runs the script included below.  Info about Folder actions is here

    1. setup the network profile on the Zf
    2. connect to NX Tether and place images in the "NX Tether Images Folder"
    3. setup the Folder action to call the script saved in the system Library Scripts folder
    4. Specify the Capture folder in Capture One
    5. Setup the Import features including Styles and Presets for Metadata as usual
    6. If Backup is enabled the original is moved to the backup folder,  otherwise the image is deleted.
    7. You can test the script by running it in the script editor

    Copy this code and paste it into a script in the Script Editor.

    ======== Start of Script ============

    on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
    CO_import("NX Teather Images")
    end adding folder items to

    on CO_import(tetherFolder)
    tell application "Finder"
    set newImages to (every item of folder tetherFolder of folder "Pictures" of home whose kind is not "Folder"

    repeat with nextImage in newImages
    set sourceList to POSIX path of (nextImage as alias)
    tell application "Capture One" to import front document source sourceList
    end repeat

    if (count of newImages) is greater than 0 then
    tell application "Capture One"
    set doBackup to (backup of import settings of front document)
    set backupLocation to (backup folder of import settings of front document) as alias
    end tell

    if doBackup then
    move newImages to backupLocation with replacing
    delete newImages
    end if

    tell application "Capture One" to change selection front document to next variant
    end if
    end tell
    log "imported " & (count of newImages) & " images"
    end CO_import

    CO_import("NX Teather Images"
  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2024

    Confirmed that Mac OS 14.2.1, Capture One and NX Tether allow wireless tethering with the Nikon Zf.  Zf network settings "Connect to computer" with connection type "Camera control".   Images can be loaded into a Session "Capture folder" ("Hot Folder").   C1 does not see the camera but some controls are available through NX Tether.

    I wish C1 would rename and apply settings to the images as they show up in the folder.  Better yet... If C1 could also function like NX Tether.


  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2024

    Confirmed that Mac OS 13.2.1, C1 and TetherTools Air Direct work with the following caveats USB power delivery has to be off (SETUP menu). C1 live view will only work when the camera monitor is displaying the viewfinder.  While C1 will display the shutter speed on the camera, you must adjust the shutter speed on the camera.  Same for the ISO.  Auto focus and aperture seem to work as expected.

    Hope this helps someone


  • Gerhard Steinhofer
    Jan 7, 2024

    I hope that tethering and wireless tethering with my Nikon Zf and C1 will be possible in the future.
    Please make it possible!

    Kind regards,


  • Guest
    Dec 14, 2023



    Thank you for your latest update with confirmation of tethering success.


    Thank you also Christian G for the efforts CO has made with Nikon over this.

    Best regards,



  • Guest
    Dec 14, 2023

    Now that CO 16.3.3 came out today I can confirm that Tethering, LiveView and ReTether is working with Nikon Zf on Mac OS 14.2


  • Guest
    Dec 14, 2023

    Hi Christian G,

    it is strange, that Nikon says that Zf does not support tethering, maybe they are referencing to their own tether app CameraControlPro which indeed does not support Zf just as the other retro style camera Nikon Zfc.

    It contradicts to my experience that is as follows:

    Mac OS 14.1.2 (not 14.2 !! that does not work at all), Capture One, Nikon Zf

    tethering, controlling the camera, liveView, reTether – everything works flawlessly 

    Btw: tethering is also possible with Zf and Nikon's NXTether app


  • Guest
    Dec 14, 2023

    Hi all, 

    We have been talking with Nikon about this, and apparently the Z f does not support tethering in the same full-featured way as the other Pro Z cameras. That means that for now it is not possible for us to implement tethering for this particular camera.

    Should this change with future firmwares, we will reconsider of course, as we see You also wanting to tether with this camera. 

  • Guest
    Oct 26, 2023

    Thank you for the update Jürgen. It is the lack of acknowledgement that the Zf is capable of wired tethering and indeed, live view, that caught me eye in the first place. I can do both of these with my Nikon D750  (Not without error on the new version of C1) Files dropping and files not recording simultaneously to the smart card, despite being selected for dual recording) that got my interest. It is also as if C1 simply ruled out the Zf without testing it out. I find that frustrating, as many will make their purchase choices based on information provided by C1 as to the suitability for the item to be used for tethering with their app. I have no knowledge as to the speed of the Z8 or Z9 in this regard but I too am curious to know ho other members of the Z range family are fairing with C1 tethering, especially wireless.

  • Guest
    Oct 26, 2023

    in the camera compatibility list the Nikon Zf shows no support for "tethered/live view/wireless". While tethering and live view (the new feature "re-wire" also) are indeed working, it seems that only Nikon Z8 andZ9 are capable of wireless tethering.

    I managed to tether the Zf wireless with Nikon's NXTether app. Speed is veeeery sloooow (RAW), curious whether wireless tethering with Z8 or Z9 is acceptable in terms of speed.

  • Guest
    Oct 25, 2023

    Thank you Jürgen.

    You have beaten me to it my download has just completed.

    At least cable is available, the earlier compatibility notes referred to not tethering being possible. I believe for the ZF the wifi signal may have to pass through something called Snap Bridge or possibly it may work through Cam Ranger. I don't have the camera myself but I am doing some research for an older friend who is contemplating a purchase.

  • Guest
    Oct 25, 2023


    I just tried with brand new C1 16.3.0

    Cable tethering with Nikon Zf works but I couldn't achieve a wireless connection following C1s "Nikon wireless tethering setup guide"

  • Guest
    Oct 25, 2023


    I shall do just that.

    Thank you for your time.

  • Grant Perkins
    Oct 25, 2023

    Hi Alan,

    Well, if I was looking for a specific answer about the Zf and WiFi tethering I think I would probably create a post especially for that subject with a suitable title that the C1 people visiting the forum might be attracted to and provide an answer.

    This present thread is rather generic and, as far as C1 will be concerned, is already answered by the table in the link that I posted.

    You might even consider creating a personal support ticket as well. Just to gee things along.

  • Guest
    Oct 24, 2023

    Perhaps someone will be kind enough to share that information with us all then. I may be wrong, of course, but given that the specs page of the Nikon ZF says it has smart connection with other devices through the recognised snap bridge device, I cannot think of a reason why, like the other latest Z series of Nikon cameras the ZF should not be capable of being tethered wirelessly. Thank you for your contribution but my question does relate directly to the OP question. It does not matter wether tethering be by cable, or wi-fi. At the moment, the latest camera out of the Nikon Z range stable is not supported and both the OP and I simply wish to know when it will be. I think it a fair question given that some of us will be expected to renew our subscription membership soon and may be contemplating the purchase of the ZF. The specs on the Nikon website suggest it should be capable of wi-fi tethering. I simply want to know why C1 have it marked up as not?

  • Grant Perkins
    Oct 24, 2023

    The OP did not mention Wi-Fi specifically, which is why I worded my reply the way I did. Kevin does not mention which release of C1 V23 he is currently using.

    There may be some technical reason why Wi-Fi support for full tethering is currently only offered for certain Nikon models.

  • Guest
    Oct 24, 2023

    SFA, That is my point. It has wi-fi capability activated, so why is it not supported by C1 for wi-fi tethering?

  • Grant Perkins
    Oct 24, 2023

    According to the list of supported cameras the Zf is supported but not for Wireless tethering.


    Camera models and RAW files supported by Capture One – Capture One

  • Guest
    Oct 24, 2023

    I should like to know this also please. My understanding is that this camera is capable for utilising Wi-Fi and it is being heralded as being more than just another retro style camera. This device has technological capabilities that haven't reached the Z8 or Z9 yet. If I am to renew my Capture One subscription after watching the 'What's Coming Next' webinar tomorrow, I shall want to know that you are keeping up with the times and adding to the list of cameras supported soon after they are released. I do not expect to see a 'not currently planned' marker against any of the mainstream camera manufacturers releases.

  • +3