Hi thank you very much for your interest, it certainly supports editing Fuji's native RAF file, but does not support Tethered/ Live View/Wireless as specified in the description. As I said it is very sad that they forget the users of modest machines.Perhaps it is that this type of machine is not supported from the manufacturer for this purpose, I do not know, perhaps. Even so, I thank you for your interest Greetings and thank you very much.
It is supported, just not for tethering. The reason for that is a firmware/technical limitation that does not make it possible with Capture One.
There are no plugins available that allow tethered shooting for unsupported hardware (for tethering)
Fujifilm X-t30 are still not supported. Any news about the subject ?
Can a plugin add a camera to be supported ?
Hi thank you very much for your interest, it certainly supports editing Fuji's native RAF file, but does not support Tethered/ Live View/Wireless as specified in the description. As I said it is very sad that they forget the users of modest machines.Perhaps it is that this type of machine is not supported from the manufacturer for this purpose, I do not know, perhaps. Even so, I thank you for your interest Greetings and thank you very much.
This camera has been supported since Capture One 12, see here: https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002718118-Camera-models-and-RAW-files-supported-by-Capture-One
I've modified your post so that it pertains to tethered support only. Hope that's ok!