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"Negative" zoom and gradient tools visible beyond image

It would be beneficial to reduce an image in size (negative zoom) in the viewer so that one could use the gradient tools beyond the image to better control feathering/intensity of the mask within the image. This would require the ability to reduce the image size less that the "fit" size (less than 0% zoom) and be able to see the gradient tools beyond the image in the background area of the viewer.

Current workaround

Currently I have had to increase the proof margin to reduce the image size in the viewer. It works but is a clunky solution and not very dynamic/quick. Regarding the gradient tools, there really isn't an acceptable work around to seeing the control points of the gradient beyond the image, other than moving the gradient inside the image to access control points to alter the size/feathering and move it back to the desire location. However, this approach does not always work if you gradient is large and you can't see the control points in the image even when moving it.

  • BeO O
    Mar 10, 2024

    A very small image has other benefits too, e.g. you can assess how the image looks in a smaller resolution, and interestingly (on a white background) I can assess contrast better if the image is much smaller. So, the "negative zoom" should not be coupled to the gradient tools only, but rather a general possibility.

    Some people are used to quickly "zoom to fit" with the mouse wheel, so it is helpful that there is a hard stop at this zoom level. In order to avoid going into "negative zoom" accidentially I suggest to allow entering negative zoom mode only together with a key e.g. the ALT/OPTION key.