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Improve Capture One

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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Marcel Bakker
Created on Mar 10, 2024

Copy paste default setting without rating or color tagg

When you copy and paste the settings from one image to another it would be nice as default that the rating or color tagg is not copied across images just like the crop isn’t

Current workaround

very often it messes up my selection if not noticed soon enough

  • Grant Perkins
    Mar 11, 2024

    I suspect this would need to have preference controls in order to be fit for use by all users according to their preferred workflows.

    The existing simple option to set tick boxes for values to be used or to be skipped combined with generic options related to already adjusted field values (which is where things may get complicated), may not be ideally efficient for all use cases but is relatively simple to understand and use.

    By adding-in more (likely several) user-preferred defaults for fields to be copied or not copied - especially in datagroups like Metadata - may need very careful implementation for the avoidance of confusion.