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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Piotr Dobrowolski
Created on Mar 17, 2024

Manual Distortion correction (cylindrical) for wide lens and TS lens

With very wide lens there is almost always a distortion where the objects on the "side" parts of the view are wider than in the middle, So I would like to see a distortion corrction working like a projection of the view to the half-cylinder: adjustable horizontal and vertical..or maybe free angle and also movable and resizable - so working for TS lens. I would very welcome such correction expecially with my favourite lens: Canon TS-E 17, the distortion is even more visible with sophisticated settings of the shift, or even when doing perspective correction on any wide lens. Such correction would make better workflow with wide lens a lot, Even event photography would benefit from that not only the architecture. This should be completly manual set, but profiles for some lenses can be created.

Current workaround

No good workaround, sometimes I maually and painfully edit in photoediting software, or use DXO Photolab with Viwepoint feature of mnual volumetric correction - which also would be welcome (more like puppet wrap in PS or Mesh wrap in Affinity - better than puppet wrap btw). The shift option in lens properties can sometimes help - but it linear and deos not do the cylindical transformation that is always needed in such cases