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Watermark to be sized by percentage

When using capture one live and trying to add a watermark to allow a client to proof images and make selects you get to choose an export recipe watermark however the sizing is on Pts and Px this does not change to the image size so a smaller image in live just displays part of a watermark or a landscape image may show a full watermark but a portrait image cuts either side of the watermark off.

It needs the ability to set watermarks by % so you can select 80% and the watermark would take up 80% width of the image regardless of orientation or image size.

Current workaround

I created an export recipe that will export images with the watermark on but then had to share an output folder which turned out to be useless because after the client made selects I had to spend a long time trying to track each one down in the capture folder. So there is no work around I gave up and considering cancelling the live subscription because its not usable for me in its current state like this.

  • Evi Kefallinou
    Aug 9, 2024

    Hello @Guest and thanks a lot for the feedback. Apologies for the late response. Would you like to show us your current workflow so that we can understand better the problem? If so, please drop me an email at