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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Andy Gawthrope
Created on Mar 27, 2024

Variant/Image Derivation identification

As a photographer I need to record the derivation of each image file and C1 Variant to identify the Parent/Child relationships between image files and C1 Variants to identify how an image was achieved.

For example, it is common practice amongst photographers to create C1 Variants containing different edits of an image and/or round-trip C1 Variants through tools such as Photoshop, DxO NIK etc before importing the result back into a C1 Catalog. Doing so results in multiple Catalog Variants and/or image files, between which the association/derivation needs to be recorded such that it can later be identified.


1) A C1 Catalog image, for the purposes of this request, is named A. This is edited/developed in C1. However it needs further changes in Photoshop. Those changes are made and the resulting file, named B, is imported to the C1 Catalog. Additionally it's necessary to make further changes in DXO Nik. So image B is round-tripped through DXO Nik and reimported into the C1 Catalog as file C. This feature request would allow the derivation tree / association of images A, B and C to be specified within the C1 Catalog. I.e. that image C is derived from B and image B from A.

2) A C1 catalog has 10 images that individually comprise a focus stack. These 10 images are exported to Helicon Focus, stacked and the resulting single image, named A, imported into the C1 Catalog. This feature request would allow the derivation of image A to identify each of the 10 images as parents and thus all images from which image A was constructed.

Current workaround

I'm currently achieving this capability by the use of Keywords. The top-level parent has the keyword as D0-Root, it's first child D1, second child D2 and subsequent children/derivations with D1.1, D1.1.1 etc. Uniqueness is achieved across Images sharing a common Name. Although the approach works it is time consuming and error-prone.