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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Class A
Created on Apr 3, 2024

Strength slider for image layer

Having a "strength" slider (that works the same way as an "opacity" slider on a layer) that can be used to reduce the strength of all adjustments that do not belong to a layer, would be useful to correct initially over enthusiastic adjustments.

I believe this would be useful for all of my editing.

N.B., I'm aware that one can promote adjustments to layers, but still believe a basic "strength" slide could be very useful (also see below about the number of layers being limited).

Current workaround

The workaround is to readjust every single adjustment one by one and/or promote adjustments to layers. Note, however, that the number of layers is limited so the second workaround is not always applicable.

There is a good chance, though, that one ends up with adjustments that overall a bit too strong, because one does not have a good grip on how much better a slight reduction of the overall strength could look like. I believe it is quite typical that one initially overdoes adjustments because one needs to see an effect when editing and it would be good to have a way to peddle back after having done several adjustements to the image layer.