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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by sarah isaacs
Created on Apr 7, 2024

Blurb photobook - Capture one Book module

Integrate Capture One directly with Blurb (and other) photobook producers. This is much quicker than the workaround (see below) on two counts:

1). See an image that you rate for the photobook, and send it to directly to the photobook. If you prefer another one, then its simple to import the new one and delete the current one. Current workaround is that all exported jpegs have to be imported. If you want to change the image you have to find the name and then reimport the new image, having searched for it in the "import" dialogue

2) It allows for direct editing - if you position a photo in the photobook creator app and see it needs tweaking then one click on that photo in its position in the layout and it opens in Capture One, edit and the edited version appears in the photobook, in place.

This integration is already implemented with Adobe lightroom and it just makes the whole process so easy and smooth. It is a considerable time saver and makes it a pleasure to use both together.

Current workaround

Once photos are selected the jpegs are exported to a separate folder and then imported into Bookwright (Blurb's software). If you decide you want to edit an image then you have to find the name of the image, open Capture One, search for that image, find, re-edit it, export it to jpeg into the folder, Reopen Bookwright, use the import feature but you have to search for the image and then reposition it in the layout.