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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Couderc Jérôme
Created on Apr 9, 2024

Capture one Layout System / Focus peaking window etc...

I have been very often stuck with only one "visionneuse" window to share across different screen of different resolution. Could we have possibility to have visionneuse of different style and size for different purpose ? Also, it's been a long time i've been thinking of a dynamic interactiv new window to display editing, working the same as a layout. Possibility to choose what color tagg to display, how to display it (number of column etc...) It would be a time saver to share on a specific window the layout of choosen images.

Exemple :

Window visionneuse 1 - CLIENT
Borderless, only taggs and names with possibility to display the right scrolling image bar with all the images

Window visionneuse 2 - DIGITECH - LIGHT ASSISTANT

Screen is on set with the tech team, but this display is showing images and focus with camera settings and further more information.

Window visionneuse 3 - CLIENT LOUNGE

Screen is displaying only the tagged, rated picture using the intelligent album, possibility to size the border, number column etc...

Last thing, still struggling to sometime check focus whenever picture are coming too fast. It would be nice to have a new smart tool like focus check, but using the "focus peaking" fonction, but on a separate window so we could use a small screen to display it and always, always keep an eye on the image rolling without having the focus peaking shared with all the other screen and having client acting like "huh ? it's all blue"

I hope you will consider thoses ideas, thank you for improving the software, always.

Jérôme Couderc