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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Jeffrey Pearson
Created on Apr 15, 2024

Arrow Keys not working the same way

In past versions of Capture One (Im on 23 now), one could go through a folder and adjust the crops for each image, then use the arrow keys with the other hand to quickly go through and get the crops right on each image for future viewing.

Now, in C1-23, the default setting has it so when you crop an image, then hit the up or down key, the action is not allowed. One has to re-click on the browser (or as I later discovered, use the left or right arrow keys) to navigate to the next image.

I was able to fix this by going into keyboard shortcuts and setting the "previous" and "next" image selection to the up and down keys...

But, why this is annoying, is I'm not always using my computer when shooting. I often have clients that have their own computers on site, or am traveling and have hired a digital tech with their own kit.

I would prefer it if the default shortcuts wouldn't change in such a way that doesn't imporove the workflow, but instead, slows me down.

Current workaround

Go into "edit keyboard shortcuts" > "Select" > then set your prefered arrow keys to "previous" and "next". Note: Previous is up, next is down. But they're not in that order in the menu which is also not intuitive.