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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 25, 2024

We are listening ....tell us more ....

Dear CaptureOne,

here my remarks and requests:

1) Keyword repository not a real database - it should be

2) Keyword management

2.1) should be improved using commands (comparable to SQL) because drag and drop is very buggy and espacially unwanted deletion of keyword or branches prevented by a commit popup window.

2.2) having searched for a keyword no operation can be performed an the found ones

2.3) adding a keyword child should be done in a popup window because the new keyword is placed at the end of the list

3) Generally masks should be combinable by using set operations

4) color based masked should be parametric masks be be used for other images

5) For cataloges with internal images when images are renamed also the name of the files should be renamed.

6) Focus stacking would be fine within Capture One

7) DNG images should be exported also with all layers according to eips.

8) It should be configurable wether changes of the Workspace must be committed due to delibarate key input

9) Bulk assignment of Ratings for a selected subset of images

With regards, Wolfgang Medlitsch

  • BeO O
    Jan 28, 2024

    Yes, unexplainable.

  • Walter Rowe
    Jan 28, 2024

    EIP can support ANY file format. It is like a mini-session where it has a single image and its requisite session subfolders for adjustments, metadata, etc. in a ZIP file with EIP extension. Why Capture One chooses to only allow camera native raw files that are NOT DNG format is really unexplainable.

  • Ian Wilson
    Jan 27, 2024

    You might think so, and though I have no technical knowledge of why it's not been done, I assume that there is in fact some issue that prevents it, or why would they not have done it?


  • Guest
    Jan 27, 2024

    An EIP is a CaptureOne specific format combining normally a Raw file with all processing information. So there is no problem to combine the processing inflammations with a /C1 produced) DNG file!


  • John Friend
    Jan 26, 2024

    368074128197 - An EIP is actually a ZIP file that contains the RAW file and then C1's own proprietary adjustments/masks.  There's no technical reason why a DNG can't be used in that EIP package instead of a regular RAW file.  They are both just RAW files and nothing is required to be modified in the DNG file.

    If you create your own EIP in Capture One (on an image with adjustments and masks), and then open the file manually in an unzip program, you can see the ZIP structure containing multiple pieces, one of which is just the original RAW file.

  • Ian Wilson
    Jan 26, 2024

    Having read 368108974477's comment, I tried this with DNG files that came that way from camera - my iPhone and a downloaded sample file from the internet (I can't remember from what camera) - and with DNGs created some other way, for instance from the panorama merge feature in Capture One. I knew already that it didn't work with the ones created by Capture One, but I thought that it might with those from a camera that produces DNG itself. But it doesn't. I don't know enough about it to say what the reason is, but I suppose that there must be some feature of the DNG format that precludes it, and in fact it isn't really just like any other raw format as claimed.


  • John Friend
    Jan 26, 2024

    368108974477 - perhaps for DNG export they mean export DNGs as EIP. I believe this is not possible today.

    That would make more sense as a feature request and, in fact, would seem like a serious oversight because if your RAW images come into C1 as DNG, you can't use the EIP feature at all.

  • Walter Rowe
    Jan 26, 2024

    381975022417 .. perhaps for DNG export they mean export DNGs as EIP. I believe this is not possible today.

  • John Friend
    Jan 26, 2024

    373130117658 - 7) DNG images should be exported also with all layers according to eips

    I don't believe that the DNG file format supports layers.  It's an Adobe-defined RAW format.  An EIP file is a Capture One defined format that's actually a ZIP file of the original RAW file plus masks and a bunch of metadata containing the adjustments.  While DNG files can literally store anything, since there is no agreed upon standard for how layers would be stored or how they would work, if Capture One put layers into a DNG, nobody else would be able to read them.  At that point, you may as well use the EIP that already exists.

    3) Generally masks should be combinable by using set operations

    6) Focus stacking would be fine within Capture One

    These have been requested many times before.  I'd suggest you find a previous suggestion and upvote it.

    5) For catalogs with internal images when images are renamed also the name of the files should be renamed.

    If you want to ever manage the file yourself, don't put the image IN the catalog.  Use it referenced.  Then renames happen just fine.  When you give it up to the catalog, it belongs to the catalog, not to you.  In fact, the catalog would even be free to put it in a database, not even leave it as a file.  This is the way of referenced vs. non-referenced.


  • Ian Wilson
    Jan 25, 2024

    Number 9 can be done already. If you select a number of images and press 3 for example they will all get 3 stars - but only if you have Edit All Selected Variants toggled on (on the Image menu, or there is tool bar button for it).

    For the others, it would be more helpful to the developers if you would make separate requests for each thing you are asking for, and if you used the template they have asked for in this topic in the forum.
