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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Andy Douglas
Created on Apr 23, 2024

Conditional Cropping for different lenses

Currently working with a photographer that uses varying medium format film cameras, and I have a GFX 100 II tethered to capture one for plates and clients to see iamges before we shoot to film. There are no 1:1 translations of the lenses used on the film cameras to the GFX system, so I have to crop 6x9 for when we're previewing the FUJI GW690 and then a totally different aspect ratio and tighter crop for when we're previewing the contax 120mm.

It would be so good to have images come in automatically cropped based on the lens used on the fuji. For example, having a GF50mm lens means that images will come through cropped 6x9 and a little tighter to match the film camera, and then if i swap to the GF80mm lens then the crop would change to 6x4.5 and be tighter in the image.

Seems like a fairly simple thing that would save so so so much time on set.

Current workaround

My current workaround is manually adding the crop afterwards which disrupts the workflow on set as client and photographer want to see things instantly