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Status Shipped
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by FirstName LastName
Created on Apr 24, 2024

Auto Crop Tracker

The ability to have a specificly set crop ratio track and match to the parameters / guides set in an initial image. So a model or subject, despite slight movements would remain within that crop in subsequent images. (Similar to Final Cut Pro's mask tracker feature but in a stills setting).

Current workaround

Example would be shooting a model on a white background for ecom and needing the crop to be a consistent ratio and hold the model the same in every image, despite movements from the model or bumps to the camera.

Middle vertical guide to hold the middle of the model, top horizontal guide to line up with the top head, bottom horizontal guide to line up with the tip of the toes.

When shooting quickly, it's a major bottleneck to have to re-adjust all the images manually before giving it to the client, when they need to take an output of everything.

  • Admin
    Capture One Product Manager
    Apr 24, 2024

    Hi, we would suggest giving a try to our current beta by going to

    Or to wait a few weeks, you might be very happy ;)