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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Not a feature request
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by David Close
Created on May 23, 2024

Pro vs Studio

Very disappointed with the way you have split a number of features in Studio / Pro.

Studio implies a multi employee business with digi techs and post prod staff etc. Pro implies a single photographer who has to do most jobs themselves.

You have split features and put them in the Studio version which are entirely valid for the single pro photographer. ie the additional crop feature - Subject and Face, the Guides, Next capture Metadata, keywords and Backup are also relavant to a single photographer saving time on repetitive tools.

Crop is entirely appropriate for editing a wedding or a portrait session. this also goes for key-wording and backup.

For sure features such as the Client viewers, Live for Studio is more appropriate for a larger establishment, even though a single photographer may have a client on hand but the tools in Pro - Pilot or the Share on line is fine. and other high performance capability.

Given that Studio is almost twice the price it is definitely prohibitive for a single photographer. The full suite of Adobe tools is £56/month for which you get a whole host of tools - Photo editing, graphics, web, page layout, video, audio and much more. At £41 for studio this is beyond reach. The time saving tools that are appropriate to the small studio are therefore not affordable.

Please reconsider the split in features between Pro and Studio.

For sure I will not be doubling my costs for Capture one studio and if you push more tools into studio then I will be certainly consider other providers.

  • James Grove
    May 28, 2024

    I belive the studio version is targetted to a specifc sector of the market, with features that a studio will find extremely useful. Persoanlly i dont see the Pro version being somehow crippled, what i was frustrated about; was that C1 have spent a great deal of time and coding hours putting the studio features together, when the largest user base is the Pro version. A such other areas of C1 should have been worked on, such as the underlying performance issues that many have voted on on this web platform, the preview draw time doesn't utilise modern hardware in new machines, when compared to other products like LR

    Personally, while i see the Studio version as a valid product, it does appear to have been done to pull in a larger margins for the business.

    Thats being said, C1 do appear to be listening, so lets not get to frusrated and see what comes in the following months.

  • Diego Lorenzo Jose
    May 25, 2024

    I TOTALLY agree with this. What really annoys me is I have to pay double to get something like a working Capture Pilot (Live for Studio app). That is such a terrible thing to deprive non-studio license users.

  • Admin
    Capture One Product Manager
    May 24, 2024

    Thank you for sharing your feedback.

    We are constantly evolving our product lineup to cater to diverse needs and price points within the photography industry. Our new Capture One Studio is the result of extensive collaboration with leading digitechs, studio managers, and studio photographers to specifically address their unique requirements. This product offers significant enhancements in workflow efficiency, particularly valuable in highly collaborative, controlled, high-volume settings.

    Most of the tools you are referring to have been available in Capture One Enterprise for quite a few years now, or have a simpler equivalents in Capture One Pro, which should work perfectly fine for wedding or portrait sessions..

  • David Close
    May 23, 2024

    I should also say that until now I have been a big fan of C1 and really like the tools and tethering ability, a very professional product. But with this announcement my view has soured and I deeply worry that I will be priced out of a good tool.