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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Fabrizio Giudici
Created on May 27, 2024

Improving panoramas when single elements are not properly aligned

Sometimes I found myself stitching panorama photos taken with an extreme wideangle (e.g. vertical 10mm on APS-C) and not operating at my best at hand-holding; thus the pano elements are definitely not decently aligned as it would happen with a tripod or a better hand-holding technique. The resulting stitched photo has vertical lines tilted to the right and the left in various parts, which cannot be fixed with the keystone tool.

See an example in this forum topic.

I found that a trick can often improve things: pre-apply the auto keystone to the pano elements before stitching. The sequence is:

  1. batch apply auto keystone to the pano elements;

  2. export the pano elements as DNG in the same folder;

  3. pick the DNG files for stitching;

  4. deleting the DNG files after the process.

I would be a great time-saver if the panorama tool added a checkbox to optionally activate this alternate workflow.

Current workaround

The suggested sequence can be manually executed, but it's a bit cumbersome and time wasting.