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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Jonas Jensen
Created on Jun 1, 2024

Empty subfolder indicator inside Capture folder

When I prepare for a shoot I always create empty folders inside the capture folder (I know many digitecs does this). It could be a fashion shoot where I created folders called 01, 02, 03 etc.. I might make e.g. 15 because I don't know how many looks we will shoot. When the shoot is done I might only have used 10 and it would be nice with an indicated so I could see the last 5 was empty / not used. I do this so it's easier to backup each look one at the time while shooting and I add the folder name to the filename so it's easier for the client and me to make sure we are talking about the same look because it's in the filename. Another scenario doing headshot for a big company I'm told I will be shooting these 20 people and these are there names. Before I go I then create folders called 01NameOfPerson1 02NameoOfPerson2 etc.. again I do this so when client says do you have another shot of James, then I know who James is because it's printed in the filename / directory name, then sometimes one of them don't show up or are in a metting and this person is skipped. End of the day it would be easy to see which folders where skipped by this indicator and I could say I'm still missing Person5 and Person9 are they avialalble now? - Maybe this system could even be extended to having the same naming convension as next capture naming, so you could have something similar for next subfolder where you can use counters, job names etc, this would of course requier some sort of button you could press when you wanted a new subfolder. Automating the naming of it, creating the directory and setting it as the new capture folder.

Current workaround

No real workaround, only trying to remember which foldrs you skipped or I can go through my favorit list and see if they are in there, if they are I probably did shoot something into this folder but I can't know for sure because I could just have prepared before the person showed up and set the folder as capture folder and by doing that adding it to the favorit even though it's empty.