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Improve Capture One

Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.

Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Nick McKay
Created on Jun 4, 2024

Make it easier to collaborate with other team members / freelancers for image editing

It's nearly impossible to efficiently share an image, sesssion or catalog with a third party for color grading or image editing from Capture One.

Consider creating a "Check In" and "Check Out" feature, whereby you can check out an image for editing (via email perhaps), which would send the image, along with any existing edits, comments and annotations to a third party in a relatively lightweight package. Then they would return it to you wherein you could check the image back into the library with the edits, which would create a variant.

Current workaround

Package an entire catalog, send it to a retoucher for work on a few images, stop working on the catalog so nothing is overwritten, wait for the retoucher's work to complete, then overwrite the catalog on my studio computer.