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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Joseph McAdams
Created on Jul 12, 2024

Numerically enter curve adjustment values for colors R, G, B

I can edit skin color in Ps by bringing up a curve adjustment layer on a selected area of skin and entering R, G, & B values numerically. ("")

I can do the same in Capture One, but I must move a graph line around and observe the numeric value change for each color as I push around the graph. Why can I not simply highlight each R, G, B numeric value and enter a number instead of manipulating the graph line?

Current workaround

Yes, explained above.

  • Luca Gaidano
    Jul 19, 2024
    A bit like it can be done through Applescript, the only method in the case to pass the data numerically since on Windows there is no alternative method
    tell application "Capture One 23" activate -- Define layer names and corresponding luminosity ranges set layerDetails to {¬ {"Dodge Light", {80, 100}, 0.3},
    ¬ {"Dodge Medium Light", {60, 80}, 0.2},
    ¬ {"Dodge Medium", {40, 60}, 0.1},
    ¬ {"Dodge Medium Dark", {20, 40}, 0.05},
    ¬ {"Burn Dark", {0, 20}, -0.3},
    ¬ {"Burn Medium Dark", {20, 40}, -0.2},
    ¬ {"Burn Medium", {40, 60}, -0.1}}
  • Luca Gaidano
    Jul 19, 2024

    Need the same time to Luma Mask and Luma Curve