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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Darius Mihai
Created on Jul 22, 2024

Export: Better "Collection Name" token

Like many others, I have my edited photos in Collections.
Usually there's a group, for example "Portraits" and in this group there are collections such as "Anna", "John" etc.

The export recipe has Folder = Catalog default, which is a folder named "Exported".

Now when exporting let's say Anna's photographs, in the recipe, in the "Subfolder" field have "Collection Name".

Desired outcome: The photos are exported to "Exported \ Portraits \ Anna"
Actual outcome: The photos are exported to "Exported \ Anna"

What I would like to have is a different token, let's say "Collection Full Path", which would achieve the desired outcome of exporting to a subfolder as deep as my collection tree is.

This feature would speed up exports a lot and also help with organizing our exported end results.


This was easily achievable in Lightroom Classic using Jeffrey Friedl's collection publisher plugin, which is a highly popular LR plugin.

I had a look for a few minutes at CaptureOne's developers documentation for the Plugin SDK but I didn't find anything that would allow me to create this token in the form of a plugin.

If this is actually possible via the Plugin API, please let me know and any also pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great day!

Current workaround

Not really, just slowly organizing the exported files manually on every export, which is quite time consuming.