Request a new feature, or support for a camera/lens that you would like to use in Capture One.
What problem do you see this solving?
AI masking is very powerful. It would be very useful if it could be applied to replace a background or sky.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
Every time I need to replace a background
Current workaround
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One? I use another editor to replace the background. |
It is probably worth bearing in mind that even Adobe's suite of programs is largely a system of closely associated independent products. We may think of it as a single application and rent it on that basis but in real terms they are different products with some components where the developed technology is suitable for cross sharing.
Affinity is much the same, of course.
And if one heads to the software offered by the manufacturers one sees the same concept. It has always been that way unless a provider decides to not offer some component or other.
I would personally prefer that such a capability remain in the realm of Photoshop or Affinity Photo and that Capture One devote their limited developer resources to other things. Sometimes using the approach of "the best tool for the job" and popping over into a tool that excels at a task is better than using one that would only be OK at it.
I suspect that to do that (and all that user would expect to have available if such a thing existed) C1 would need to re-invent Photoshop or Affinity and have a 2-step process starting with RAW conversion and then the pixel manipulation on the resulting output file.
Nope. I shoot in RAW and edit in RAW to have the real sky.