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Status Awaiting review
Workspace Feature requests
Categories Capture One Pro
Created by Marcin Mrzygłocki
Created on Sep 14, 2023

Allow selecting block of text when renaming image in Grid Mode of Browser

What problem do you see this solving?

This would improve consistency between text fields used for renaming images - when I try to select whole words in name, I try to use Ctrl+Shift+arrow to select them; works when renaming images in List Mode, leaves text field in Grid Mode, which is annoying.

For example: I have a file named "Częstochowa klasztor Paulinów 001.ARW" and want to transform to "klasztor Paulinów Częstochowa 001.ARW"; typing from scratch would be time-consuming and prone to errors, so I would rather select "Częstochowa ", cut it and paste two words later. I would prefer to jump over the whole word with a single press, yet Grid Mode forbids me to do so and I have to press arrow 12 times...

When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?

Every time I move parts of file name around when in Grid Mode.

Current workaround

Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?

Renaming files in List Mode or selecting parts of text character by character, which takes longer.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Sep 14, 2023

    If you imply that this could be a system-wide shortcut interfering then no, this happens only in certain view of Capture One. Maybe text fields are awkwardly customized depending on their location, maybe a shortcut conflicts with global keys, but at least I have checked and there is nothing assigned to Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right, as it should be, so it's rather the first option - there are more inconsistencies that I want to report, only I'm not sure at times if I should treat them as bug or a feature...

    Edit: Are you maybe talking about copy-pasting to text fields? :-))

  • Joachim Jundt
    Sep 14, 2023

    I just put a reply in here instead the other thread. In the company I'm working for I'm also responsible for management and "translating dev-blurb into user language". We once bumped into a massive trap which caused the software to crash, just because the chines character for "period" is a different one than the European or American character. I don't know, if the problem was related to the antique Windows 7 embedded version, or a different keyboard of a translator or some horrible thinsg happening in all transfer processes. But things we take for granted are not. Until a little while ago, editing portuguese texts led to an orange alert of the CMS editor. Although everything was fine.


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